Christophe Imhoos

Place du Port 1
CH-1204 Geneva
Partner, Jean-Pierre and Christophe Imhoos & Partners, Geneva (1991– ); Counsel, International Court of Arbitration of the ICC, Paris (1987–1991); Associate, Jean-Pierre Imhoos (1986); Legal training, Etude De Me Roger Mock, Geneva (1983–1985).
Geneva Bar Association; Swiss Federation of Lawyers; ICC Commission on International Arbitration; Swiss Chamber of Commercial Mediation (SCCM), Geneva; Swiss Federation of Mediation Associations (FSM). International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP).
Swiss Chambers of Commerce (SCAI); Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; ICDR; French Committee on Arbitration; Italian Chamber of Commerce for Switzerland; ICC;; Arbitration Court of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry; WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center (Domain Names disputes).
Formerly legal counsel with the Secretariat of the ICC International Court of Arbitration; counsel in numerous institutional (ICC, Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry) and ad hoc international/domestic arbitrations; Secretary of ICC Arbitral Tribunal; sole arbitrator, Chairman and Party-appointed arbitrator in various ICC, ICDR, CCIG and ad hoc arbitrations. Swiss Chambers of Commerce and ICC ADR Mediator.
Numerous articles on Arbitration and Mediation; co-author (with Messrs. Erik Schäfer and Herman Verbist of “ICC Arbitration in Practice”, Second edition published in 2016; Kluwer Law International, 2005; Kluwer Mediation Blog: (