Brenda Horrigan

Partner, Head of International Arbitration (Australia), Herbert Smith Freehills (2012-2021); Associate, Partner and then Co-Head International Arbitration Group, Salans LLP (1995-2012); Associate, Steptoe & Johnson (1993-1995).
Experience as arbitrator in a number of commercial arbitration cases; extensive experience as counsel in both commercial and investment treaty arbitrations. Cases have involved disputes in oil and gas, other natural resources, renewable energy, technology, telecommunications, media, transportation, construction, manufacturing, distribution, hotel management and retail sectors, among others.
Chapter on Dispute Resolution, in Corporate Counsel’s Guide to Doing Business in China, 3D (Cutshaw, Burke & Wagner, eds.) 2016; Chapter on China, in Enforcement of Investment Treaty Awards: A Global Guide (Fouret, ed.), 2015; Chapter on Asia, Guerilla Tactics in International Arbitration (Horvath and Wilske, eds.), 2013; Chapter on China, International Arbitration Review (Carter, ed.), 2012; Arbitration in China, Practitioner’s Handbook on International Arbitration and Mediation, 3rd edition (Kolkey, Chernick, Neal, eds.), 2011; Chapter on China, International Arbitration Review (Carter, ed.), 2011; Arbitration in China, Getting the Deal Through Arbitration Report, 2010; Chapter on China, International Arbitration Review (Carter, ed.), 2010; Chapter on Dispute Resolution, Corporate Counsel’s Guide to Doing Business in China, 3rd edition (Cutshaw, Burke, Wagner, eds.), 2009; Chapter on France (co-author), Enforcement of Arbitral Awards against Sovereign States or State Entities (Bishop, ed.), 2009; Arbitration in China, Getting the Deal Through Arbitration Report, 2009; Arbitration of Disputes in China, Asia Counsel, November 2008; Russia country summary, IFLR Banking Law Yearbook 2000; Crisis in Russia’s Securities Market and Banking Sector, BNA East Europe Reporter, October 1998, and World Securities Law Report, November 1998; Surviving Russia’s Meltdown, IFLR, January 1999; Debt Recovery by Foreign Investors in Post-Crisis Russia, European Banking Journal (volume 2, 1999); Russian Financial Crisis: Distressed Debt, Central European, May 1999; The Russian Criminal Code and Its Impact on Foreign Investors, Financial Times East European Business Law, January 1997, and Russia & Commonwealth Business Law Report, January 1997.