Ronald Arthur Finlay

Finlay Consulting
Suite 2304
Level 23 Gateway
1 Macquarie Palce
Sydney, N.S.W. 2000
Partner, Corrs Chambers Westgarth (1979-1997); Notary Public (1992- )
Australian Institute of Management; Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators (Australia)
Australian Commercial Disputes Centre Ltd.; Inst. of Arbitrators and Mediators (Australia); LEADR (Lawyers Engaged in ADR)
Party-appointed arbitrator, two construction disputes involving contractors and the Road Construction Authority of Victoria; Party-appointed arbitrator, construction dispute, re: major international hotel in South Pacific (1988); Party-appointed arbitrator in more than ten construction,
engineering and commercial disputes (1988- );Counsel, more than 20 cases, re: construction and engineering (1975- )
An Overview of Commercial Arbitration in Australia, 4 J.Int’l Arb.103 (1987); Staying Court Proceedings in Favour of Arbitration, Inst. of Arbitrators. Australia, Advanced Arbitration Course (1988); Alternative/New Non-Court Dispute Resolution, Sydney Seminar (1988).