W. Laurence Craig

Paris–c/o Orrick
31, Avenue Pierre 1er de Serbie
75782 Paris Cedex 16
London–Essex Court Chambers
24 Lincoln’s Inn Fields
London WC2A 3EG
United Kingdom
Partner, Coudert Frères, Paris (1964–2005); U.S. Member, ICC Court of Arbitration (1976–1984); Member, NATO Appeal Board (1972–1976); Visiting Lecturer Yale Law School (International Arbitration) (1999)
Fellow, Chartered Arbitrator, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; President, Association d'Avocats Inscrits à un Barreau Etranger (1997-2003), Milan Club of Arbitrators, Swiss Arbitration Association, and International Arbitration Institute (IAI)(France).
AAA; Arbitral Centre of the Federal Economic Chamber, Vienna; China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC); German Institute of Arbitration (DIS).
Counsel, in more than 125 ICC arbitrations; Arbitrator, in 35 ICC arbitrations and in a number of AAA, LCIA, and CIETAC arbitrations as well as ICSID and UNCITRAL BIT arbitrations
Recent publications include: The 2012 ICC Rules : Important Changes and Issues for Future Resolution (Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage 2012-1) (with Laurent Jaeger); The Arbitrator’s Mission and the Application of Law in International Commercial Arbitration, (The American Review of International Arbitration, Volume 21, Nos.1-4, 2010); Introduction to Multi Party Actions in International Arbitration, Permanent Court of Arbitration, Ed. (Oxford University Press, 2009).