Luigi Biamonti

Studio Legale Biamonti
Lungotevere Michelangelo 9
00192 Rome
Partner, Studio Legale Biamonti (1976- ); Partner, Community Law Office Belmont, Brussels (1978-1982); Associate, Studio Legale
Biamonti-Viola, Rome and Milan (1969-1975)
Italian Assoc. of European Jurists (FIDE) (Board Member); Italian Delegation to the Conseil Consultatif des Barreaux de la Communauté Européenne (1977-1987); Member of the Special Commission “Company Law” of the Conseil Consultatif des Barreaux de la Communauté
Européenne (1991- ); IBA
A.I.A.; Camera Arbitrale del Centro di Studi Giuridici di Roma; Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Italy; Institute of International Business
Law and Practice of the ICC (Paris)
Arbitrator and counsel, domestic, international institutional and ad hoc cases, re: commercial and construction contracts
Reform of Company Law Italy and Harmonisation to EEC Directives; Banking Commission in the EEC Member States and in Italy; Application of EEC Antitrust Regulations in Court and in Arbitral Proceedings; The EEC 9th Draft Directive on Groups of Companies; Franchise Fees and Royalties. Tax and Exchange Control Problems in Italy; Franchising in Europe: Recent Legal and Business Developments in Italy; Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments and Arbitration Awards; Mergers and Acquisition in Italy.