Claude L. Bessard

49, rue Paul Déroulède
78290 Croissy-sur-Seine
Tribunal of Commerce of Paris (Lower Court for commercial matters, entirely composed of elected judges), 12 years from 1978- 1989, out of which 7 as judge and 5 as president of Chamber; 23 years (1956-1979) in chemical and plastic industry (mostly in international operations); 10 years in food industries, especially sugar industry (1980-1990)
ICC; AAA.; AFA; ASA; LCIA; Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London (ACIArb); Association of Experts in Commercial and Technical Matters to the Court of Appeals of Paris; Expertise and Arbitration Institute, Paris; AMAM (Association of Judges and Former Judges of Tribunal of
Commerce of Paris); General Association of French Commercial Judges
ICC; A.A.A., panel of international arbitrators; LCIA; AFA; Paris Chamber of Arbitration; European Court of Arbitration; International Arbitration Center of the Austrian Federal Chamber, in Vienna; Court of Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce, Warsaw (Poland)
ICC: 12 cases to date, either upon appointment by the ICC Court of International Arbitration, or as sole arbitrator; AAA: 2 cases to date; Ad hoc arbitration, 11 cases to date; Paris Chamber of Arbitration, 14 cases to date