Giorgio Bernini

Via Mascarella, 94-96
40126 Bologna, Italy
Formerly full Professor: Chair of Arbitration Law, following the transfer from the Chair of Commercial Law and Professor of International Commercial Law, University of Bologna (1994). On temporary leave since 17 November 1997 (when appointed member of the Italian Antitrust
Authority). Resigned from the Authority effective 15th December 1999 and retired from the University to resume private practice on a full time basis. Formerly: Assistant to the chairs of Commercial Law and Industrial Law, Universities of Bologna and Rome (La Sapienza) and later Associate Professor (until 1961) and then Full Professor at the Universities of Ferrara (1964-1966) and Padova (1966- 1970). Visiting Professor: University of Michigan Law School; Johns Hopkins University, Bologna Center; Ohio Legal Center Institute, Columbus (1974);
Université Internationale de Sciences Comparées, Faculté de Droit Comparé, Luxembourg; International Faculty of Comparative Law, Strasbourg; Institut Universitaire d’Etudes Européennes, Torino. Professor of International Commercial Law and Competition Law, Scuola di Perfezionamento in Scienze Amministrative (SPISA) of the University of Bologna. Other courses taught: Private Comparative Law; European Law; Anglo-American Law; Law and Practice of International Trade. Director of the Department of Legal Disciplines of Economics and Business, University of Bologna.
Member of the Board of Auditors, International Harvester Italiana; Member of the Board of Directors, Grandi Lavori, S.p.A., Tecnica, U.S. Inc., Bologna 2010 S.p.A.; President of the Board of Directors, Rete Ferroviaria Italiana, S.p.A.; President, Consulting Committee, Duemme Trust Company, Banca Esperia SPA, Milano.
Participated in numerous (over 450) arbitrations and conciliations/mediations (domestic as well as international) for a period of over forty years in the capacity of Chairman of the Panel, Sole Arbitrator, Party- Appointed Arbitrator, Conciliator/Mediator and Counsel. Appeared as attorney in international and national proceedings pending before domestic and international Courts (including the Court of Justice of the European Union); acted as counsel in out-of-court cases. Participated to the preparation and execution of arbitration cooperation agreements between the Italian Association for Arbitration and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the U.S.S.R., 15 October, 1974; and the Chamber of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, 16 May, 1981; Public Offices: Italian Representative to UNCITRAL, United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (1969-1972); President of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (I.C.C.A.), a Non- Governmental Organization, from 1986 to 1994 (at present Honorary President).
Author of 20 Treaties and Monographs. Contributor of approx. 350 articles, essays and comments published in Italian and foreign legal and economic periodicals inter alia on the following subjects: Domestic and International Arbitration; Conciliation and Mediation; ADR; Banking and Arbitration; Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A); Antitrust Legislation in the U.S., in the EU and in Italy; GATT and World Trade Organisation (WTO); Internationalization of Enterprises; Transportation Law; Law and Practice of international trade; Negotiable Instruments; Mistake and Misrepresentation; Business Associations; Product Liability; Consumers Protection; Intellectual Property and Unfair Competition; Corporate Reorganization; Multinational Corporations; International Contracts; International Taxation; Trust and Fiduciary Relations; Law of Successions; Custom and Tariff Problems; Oil and Gas Regulation; The Hague and Vienna Uniform Law On the Sale of Movable Goods; Establishing joint ventures in Italy and abroad. Editorial Boards (present and past): Il Foro Padano, Rivista dell’Arbitrato, The Journal of World Trade Law, Journal of International Arbitration, Arbitration International, The American Review of International Arbitration (Advisory Committee).