Andrea Carlevaris

Bonelli Erede Pappalardo Studio legale
Via Salaria 259
00199 Rome
Lawyer, Studio legale Sette, Rome (1993-1999); ICC International Court of Arbitration, Counsel (1999–2003); Lawyer, Bonelli Erede
Pappalardo Studio legale (2003-)
Member, ICC International Court of Arbitration ; Member of the Steering Committee, Arbitration Commission, Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA); Member and Former Chair, the Italian Forum on International Arbitration and ADR (ArbIt)
Numerous international arbitrations as counsel, both ad hoc and institutional (ICC, ICSID, PCA, Milan Chamber of National and International Arbitration). Numerous international arbitrations as arbitrator, sole arbitrator or chairman (ad hoc, ICC, PCA, Milan Chamber of National and
International Arbitration); case administrator as counsel of the ICC International Court of Arbitration; counsel in State court proceedings for the enforcement or the setting aside of arbitral awards.
La tutela cautelare nell’arbitrato internazionale (Cedam, Padova, 2006); numerous articles, contributions to collective works and case-notes on international arbitration, private international law and public international law; Member of the Editoria Board, Rivista dell’arbitrato.