Ugo Draetta

Foro Buonaparte 20
Milan 20121
International General Counsel and VP – General Electric, USA; General Counsel & Secretary – Fiat, Italy; Board member – Fiat, Italy; Chairman of the Stability Pact Anticorruption Initiative for SEE, Brussels.
What do you regard as the most important differences between arbitration and litigation in court?
A neutral seat for dispute resolution, other than a court of either Claimant’s or Respondent’s country.
Do you believe that tribunal secretaries should be used by arbitrators? If so, what is their proper role?
Secretaries can be useful only for Chairpersons, but Chairpersons should not delegate important tasks to secretaries.
Do you prefer to be a sole arbitrator or a member of a three-arbitrator panel?
I prefer to be a member of a three-arbitrator panel.
Member of the Council of the ICC Institute of World Business Law, the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR, the Club of Arbitrators of the Milan Arbitration Chamber, the Scientific Committee of the Italian Arbitration Association (AIA); the Arbitration Chamber of the Italian Anti-corruption Authority. Honorary member and co-founder of AIGI (Italian Association of Company Counsels); co-founder and co-editor of the review “Diritto del Commercio Internazionale”; member of the Board of editors of the Revue de droit des affaires internationales/ International Business Law Journal, published by Sweet & Maxwell and Corporate Counsel Advisory Editor of the European International Arbitration Review, published by JurisNet.
From 2000 to 2017 he has been involved in about 80 arbitrations as President, Sole Arbitrator, or Co-arbitrator. This includes ad hoc, ICC, VIAC, CAM (Milan), Madrid Chamber, DIAC, UNICITRAL arbitrations.
Over 200 publications in Int’l Law, EU Law, Int’l Trade law, the most recent of which, particularly on arbitration, are: Monads or Triads: Conflict and Cooperation Among Arbitrators, JurisNet, 2016; Counsel as Client’s First Enemy in Arbitration?, JurisNet, 2014; Behind the Scenes in International Arbitration, JurisNet, 2011; What Does “Ethics in Arbitration” Really Mean?, in European International Arbitration Review (EIAR), vol. I/No. 1, 57-72, 2012, JurisNet; Short Practical Notes on Security for Costs in Arbitration, Les cahiers de l’arbitrage, n. 2011/1, at 77-87; Dispute Resolution in International Construction Linked Contracts, Int’l Bus. LJ, 2011, at 69-83; Arbitration Exception and Brussels I Regulation: No Need for Change (with A. Santini), Int’l Bus. LJ., 2009, at. 741-748; The Role of In-House Counsel in International Arbitration, (2009) 75 Arbitration 468; Leveraging the Arbitral Process to Encourage Settlement: Some Practical and Legal Issues, Int’l Bus. LJ., 2009, at 487-496; Arbitration in international construction contracts: selected practical problems, Les cahiers de l’arbitrage, n. 2008/4, at 13-22; The International Arbitration Clause: Essential and Optional Elements – An Update, Int’l Bus. LJ., 2004, at 577 ff.