Thomas P. Bischof

6, J.-J. Cart
CH-1006 Lausanne
Attorney, Bär & Karrer, Zurich (1991-1992); Visiting Scholar, Swiss Institute of Comparative Law (1989-1990); Judge's Assistant, Supreme Court of St. Gall (1988-1990); Van Calker Scholar, Swiss Institute of Comparative Law (1987-1988); Associate, Tobler & Muller, Rorschach (1986- 1987); Judge's Assistant, St. Gall District Court (1985-1986)
American Society of International Law; Swiss Arbitration Association; Swiss Federation of Attorneys (FSR) Union International des Avocats
Swiss Arbitration Association
Party-appointed arbitrator in construction disputes
Co-author, Foreign Investment Disputes (Kluwers 2003); Editor and contributor, Advocacy in International Arbitration (Juris Publishing 2003); Co-Author, Strategic Options Available When Catastrophe Strikes the Major International Energy Project, 36 Tex. J. Int'l L. 635 (2001);Co-Author, Practical Guidelines for Interviewing, Selecting and Challenging Party-Appointed Arbitrators in International Commercial Arbitration, 14 Arb. Int'l 395 (1998).