Serge Gravel

10, avenue de Messine
75008 Paris
Senior Partner, Fasken Martineau, Paris, France, (2009- 2015); Partner in charge of the Riyadh (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) branch operation of Fasken Martineau (2011-2015); Partner, Gravel, Otto & Associés, Paris (1998-2009); Partner, Lebray, Gaillot, Gravel & Associés, Paris (1992-1997); Partner, Ogilvy Renault, Montréal & Paris (1980-1991); Associate, Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton, Paris (1975-1980).
Member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration (1991-1999); Member of the ICC Commission on International Arbitration (1999-2008); Member of the French Commission on International Arbitration; Member of the French Center for Mediation and Arbitration of Paris (CMAP); Member of the Swiss Arbitration Association; Vice President and member of the Executive Board of the Business and Industry Advisory Committee (BIAC) to the OECD (1996-2003); Vice-President and member of the Board of Directors of French Institut International de Sciences Fiscales, since 2008; Vice-President and member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Council for International Business (CCIB), 1996-2005; Member of the Board of Directors of the UNEP (United Nations) Sustainable Building and Construction Initiative » (SBCI), 2006-2007; Member of the France – Saudi Arabia Association; Member of the Harvard Law School Association of Europe; Member of French MEDEF International (French Business Confederation).
ASA; Centre d’Arbitrage pour les entreprises, Paris, France; CMAP; ICC Arbitration.
Acted since 1975 as counsel, legal expert, sole arbitrator, and co-arbitrator in several ad hoc and ICC international arbitration proceedings, including their judicial ramifications; Acted in connection with international arbitration proceedings involving sovereign States (Croatia, Qatar, Ethiopia, Turkey, Libya) as well as state enterprises or agencies (Canada, Romania, Pakistan, Bulgaria, China, etc.) with respect to investment disputes; Acted in connection with international commercial arbitration proceedings involving private business enterprises with respect to disputes in a wide variety of business sectors, including industrial equipment, railway systems, international trade, electronic equipment, pulp and paper industry, infrastructure and transportation equipment, shipbuilding industry, hospitality industry, fast food franchises, printing industry, food processing industry, water treatment engineering, aerospace industry, etc.; Acted as Member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration from 1991 through 1999.
Published numerous articles on international arbitration, including the following: Co-Author, “French Law and Arbitration Clauses – Distinguishing Scope from validity: Comment on ICC Case n°6519 Final Award”, 1992, 37 McGill L.J.510; Author, “L’Arbitrage sur le territoire de l’ALENA: écueils et perspectives”, Bulletin de la Cour Internationale d’Arbitrage de la CCI, Vol.4, N°2, octobre 1993, p.23; Author, “Overview of Arbitration within the NAFTA Area”, (1994) 8 ICCLR, p. 269; Author, “Arbitrage multipartite et pluralité d’arbitrages”, Bulletin de la Cour Internationale d’Arbitrage de la CCI, Vol. 7, N°2, December 1996, p.45; Co-author, “Dispute Resolution in France”, Corporate Disputes Magazine, July-September 2016, p. 81; Author, “Commercial Arbitration 2017 Annual Review: France”, Financier Worldwide, March 2017, p.22; Co-author, “Transnational Public Policy Issues and International Arbitration”, Corporate Disputes Magazine, October-December 2018, p. 172.