Pierre-Yves Tschanz
Tavernier Tschanz
11-bis, rue Toepffer
1206 Geneva
Partner, Tavernier Tschanz, Geneva (since 1989); Associate, then Counsel, White & Case, New York (1983 1986), Paris (1986 1989); Associate, Lalive & Budin, Geneva (1980 1983); Foreign associate, Curtis, Mallet, New York (1978 1980); Trainee, Lalive & Budin, Geneva (1975 1977).
American Society of Int’l Law; Swiss Arbitration Assoc.; International Bar Assoc.; Geneva Bar Assoc.
AAA; Swiss Committee of ICC
Acted as chairman, co-arbitrator as well as sole arbitrator in ad hoc, Swiss Rules, ICC, ICSID and other institutional cases; and as counsel in ad hoc (including UNCITRAL) arbitrations as well as ICC, Swiss Rules, and other institutional rules.
The Aminoil Arbitration Award and the Law of State Contracts, 18 Int’l Law. (1984); Contrats d’Etat et mesures unilatérales de l’Etat devant l’arbitre international, 74 Rev. Crit. Droit Int’l Privé (1985); Co‑author, with Andreas Bucher, International Arbitration in Switzerland (1989); Commentaire Romand de la Loi fédérale sur le Droit international privé (LDIP) et Convention de Lugano (CL) (chapters on Art 7, 177-181, and 190 al. 2 lit. a and b PIL Act) (2011); yearly review of Swiss arbitration cases in the French Revue de l’arbitrage; articles on Swiss arbitration law in Bull. ASA.