Paul D. Friedland

29 Beechdale Road
Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
ICDR Panel; College of Commercial Arbitrators; CPR Panel
As arbitrator: ICDR, ten cases, as party appointee, Chair, or list appointee; ICC, four cases, as party appointee; UNCITRAL, one case, as party appointee. As counsel: numerous cases before the ICC, ICSID, ICDR, and LCIA and before ad hoc tribunals. Professional service: AAA, Chair, Law Committee (since 2008); Board of Directors (since 2002); Executive Committee (since 2011); Former Chair, Conflict Management Practice Committee (2000-2008); IBA, Vice Chair, Arbitration Committee (since 2010); Chair, Task Force on Guidelines for Drafting International Arbitration Clauses (2009-10); LCIA, Court Member (2006-10); Institute for Transnational Arbitration, Vice Chair (since 2008), Executive Committee (since 2002); ICC Commission on Arbitration (2009-10); CPR Panel of Distinguished Neutrals (since 2003); College of Commercial Arbitrators (since 2006); COMBAR The Commercial Bar Association, Member (since 2010); U.S. Council for
International Business, Board of Trustees and Arbitration Committee (since 2002); International Commercial Dispute Committee of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York (2000-2006); Arbitration International, Editor (since 2011); World Arbitration and Mediation Reporter, International Editor (since 2002); Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação, Editorial Board (since 2011).
“The New ICC Rules: Continuing Evolution of Case Management Powers to Control Costs and Delays in International Arbitration”, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 13 September 2011 ( costs-and-delays-in-international-arbitration) (with Paul Brumpton); Cláusulas de Arbitraje para Contratos Internacionales, AbeledoPerrot 2010 (co-author with Rafael Llano); “Drafting Class Arbitration Clauses after Stolt-Nielsen,” 22 Dispute Resolution Journal, May/October 2010 (co-author with Michael Ottolenghi); “Discoverability of Communications between Counsel and Party-Appointed Experts in International Arbitration,” ICCA Conference Papers May 2010 (co-author with Kate Brown de Vejar); “Drafting Considerations for Clauses Designating New York as the Place of Arbitration,” in James H. Carter & John Fellas (eds.), International Commercial Arbitration in New York 71, 2010; “Comments on the 2008 Survey on International Arbitration: Corporate Attitudes and Practices on Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards,”19 Am. R. Int. Arb. 3, 2010 (co-author with Michael Ottolenghi); “Recognition And Enforcement of Annulled Awards: From Chromalloy to Comity, The U.S. Story So Far” in Mealey’s The New York Convention: 50 Years of Experience(October 2008) (co-author with Judith Levine); “Reconocimiento y Ejecución de
Los Laudos Arbitrales Nulos. La Experiencia en Los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica” in Guido S. Tawil and Eduardo Zuleta (eds.), El Arbitraje Comercial Internacional 568 (2008) (co-author with Judith Levine); Arbitration Clauses for International Contracts, (Juris Pub., 2d. ed. 2007); “A Claim for Monetary Relief for Breach of Agreement to Arbitrate as a Supplement or Substitute to an Anti-Suit Injunction,” in Albert Jan Van Den Berg (ed.), International Arbitration 2006: Back to Basics? ICCA International Arbitration Congress Montréal, 31 May – 3 June 2006 (co-author with Kate Brown) “The Amicus Role in International Arbitration,” in Loukas A. Mistelis and Julian D.M. Lew (eds.), Pervasive Problems in International Arbitration, 2006; “Stay of Enforcement of the Arbitral Award Pending ICSID Annulment Proceedings,” E. Gaillard (ed.), Annulment of ICSID Awards 177, 2004; Co-author, “The Internationalization of American Commercial Arbitration,” 18 ITA News and Notes, Spring 2004 (with Ank Santens); Co-author, “Arbitral Subpoenas under US Law and Practice,” 14 Am. R. Int. Arb. 3, 2003 (with Lucy Martinez); Coauthor, “Commentary on the July 2003 Revisions to the AAA CommercialArbitration Rules,” Dispute Resolution Journal, November 2003 (with John Townsend); “Commentary: ICSID Tribunals and Injunctions by State Courts,” Arbitration International, November 2002; “Arbitration,” Corporate Legal Departments, Practising Law Institute, November 2001; “The Arbitration Clause,” Commercial Contracts: Strategies for Drafting and Negotiating, Aspen, 2001; “Place of Arbitration in Contract Is Vital,” New York Law Journal,October 2001; “Drafting Provisional Relief Clauses,” 6 ADR Currents 1, 2001;“Choosing between Administered and Non-Administered Arbitration for International Contracts,” Corporate Counsel, April 2001; Arbitration Clauses for International Contracts, Juris Publishing, 2000; “The Written Phase: Disclosure and Memorials,” AAA Manual for International Arbitrators, 1999; “Party Criteria for the Selection of Party-Appointed Arbitrators,” IFCAI Dispute Resolution Conference Papers, 1999.