Max Bonnell

White & Case
Level 50
Governor Phillip Tower
1 Farrer Place
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
King & Wood Mallesons 1995-2017 (partner 1999-2017),
Solicitor and Senior Associate, Allen Allen &
Hemsley, 1989-1995; Senior Associate, Mallesons Stephen Jaques, 1995-1999
Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; Fellow,
Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration
Over 70 arbitrations as counsel and advocate,
including acting as lead advocate for the successful claimant in White Industries
v India. Acted as tribunal member in Australia and Singapore
Australian editor, Encyclopedia of International Commercial
Litigation (Kluwer); numerous journal articles including: “Arbitration
Agreements and Urgent Interlocutory Applications: AED Oil v Puffin” (2010)
76 Arbitration 357-360; “When is an Arbitration Agreement ‘Inoperative’?”
[2008] Int A.L.R. 111; “The Bakun dispute: Mandatory national laws in
international arbitration” (2007) 81 ALJ 259; “Third Party Funding”, Global
Arbitration Review, Volume 3, Issue 1, 35; “The Trade Practices Act:
Australia’s international Arbitration Headache” [2007] Int A.L.R. 170; “HIH
Casualty & General insurance ltd (In liquidation) v R J Wallace” [2007] Int
A.L.R. N-10; “How not to Arbitrate: Pan Australia Shipping Pty Ltd v The Ship
‘Comandate’” (2006) 72 Arbitration 391-395; “Arbitrability of competition
disputes in Australian law” (2005) 79 ALJ 585, and; Chapter on Australian lex
arbitri in “International Arbitration: A Country-by-country look at alternative
dispute resolution methods”.