Mark Augenblick

2294 Leeds Manor Road
Markham, Virginia 22643
Associate – Shaw Pittman Potts & Trowbridge, 1971 - 1978; Partner – Shaw Pittman Potts & Trowbridge, 1978- 1998; President – Interstate General Company LP, 1998- 2006 (American Stock Exchange); CEO – Interstate Waste Technologies Inc., 1998-2010; Senior Counsel – Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, 2011 – 12/31/2018; Independent Arbitrator 1/1/2019 – date.
American Bar Association
ICC Panel, ICDR Panels, and AAA Panels
Counsel in 7 ICC, UNCITRAL and Arbitral Center of the Austrian Economic Chamber arbitrations. Approximately 20 U. S. court supervised mediations.
“Force Majeure In Tumultuous Times”, co-author Alison B. Rousseau, Journal Of World Investment And Trade (2012), 59 – 75; “Dispute Resolution In World Financial Institutions”, co-author D. A. Ridgway, Journal of International Arbitration, Volume 10, Issue 73; “U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Arbitral Authority To Award Punitive Damages”, co-author M. Stern, Journal Of International Arbitration (June, 1995); Presentation 6th Geneva Global Arbitration Forum “NAFTA Chapter 11 Arbitration”; “The Build, Operate And Transfer Approach to Infrastructure Projects in Developing Countries”, co-author S. Custer, World Bank Working Paper 498; “Guidelines For Infrastructure Development Through Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Projects”, co-author P.C. Min and O. Steen-Olsen, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (“UNIDO”), Vienna, (1996); Strategies For Financing Telecommunications Infrastructure Development in the Pacific Rim”, co-author J. A. Stern and J. Sullivan, paper for the 16th Annual Pacific Telecommunications Conference, Honolulu; and papers prepared for the Forbes Infrastructure Conference, American Society for Quality Control, IFC – International Contractors Association, and for UNIDO sponsored lectures to government organizations in Shanghai, Beijing, Jakarta, Delhi and Manila.