Marcel Fontaine

Rue du Village 33
1325 Dion-le-Mont
Professor, University of Louvain Law School, Belgium
International Insurance Law Association (AIDA), Honorary President, member of Presidential Council; UNIDROIT, member of the Working Group drafting “Principles of International Commercial Contracts”; Study Group on a European Civil Code, former Member of the Coordinating Committee; International Academy of Comparative Law, Titular member; Institute of World Business Law of the International Chamber of Commerce, member, former member of the Scientific Council; expert in charge of harmonizing the law of contract in the 17 African countries of OHADA.
LCIA; CEPANI, Brussels; Court of International Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania; International Arbitration Institute, Paris; IDArb (International Distribution Institute).
Over 160 participations in arbitral tribunals, most often as chairman (November 2018).
Co-editor, Les sanctions de l’inexécution des obligations contractuelles (2001) (with G. Viney); The Unidroit Principles: An Expression of Current Contractual Practice? (ICC Int. Court of Arb. Bulletin, Special supplement, 2002); editor, Le processus de formation du contrat—Contributions comparatives et interdisciplinaires à l’harmonisation du droit européen (L.G.D.J., 2002); Droit des assurances, 4th ed. (Larcier, Brussels, 2010); Drafting International Contracts—An Analysis of Contract Clauses (with F. DE
LY) (Transnational, New York, Brill, Leiden and Boston, 2006). In the field of arbitration: Drafting the Award. A Perspective from a Civil Law jurist, The I.C.C. International Court of Arbitration Bulletin, May 1994, pp. 30-37; The Independence of Arbitrators, AIDA Colloquium, Prague, 1996, pp. 24-28; Les Principes Unidroit et l’arbitrage international, in Liber amicorum Guy Horsmans, 2004, pp. 443-460; L’arbitre négligent, in Liber amicorum Guy Keutgen, Bruxelles, 2008, pp. 459-472; Quelques aspects de l’arbitrage en droit de l’assurance et de la réassurance, in Liber amicorum Serge Lazareff, 2010, pp. 279-291; Impartialité et indépendance de l’arbitre, in Hommage à Guy Keutgen pour son action de promotion de l’arbitrage, 2012, pp. 619-633; L’arbitre et ses collaborateurs, b-Arbitra, 2013, pp. 23-43; Le nouveau Règlement d’arbitrage du Centre français d’arbitrage de réassurance et d’assurance (CEFAREA), Paris Journ. of Int. Arb., 2014, pp. 141-147; L’arbitrage et le droit des assurances – Conclusions générales, in L’arbitrage et le droit des assurances, Brussels, CEPANI and Bruylant, 2014, pp. 211-225; Police Interference in Hearing, Arbitrator Anecdotes, The ICC Institute of World Business Law Newsletter, n° 5, 2015, p. 4..