Jan Kleinheisterkamp

Law Department
London School of Economics
Houghton Street
London, WC2A 2AE
United Kingdom
Assistant Professor of Law at the HEC School of Management, Paris (2004-2008); Research Fellow at Max Planck Institute for Foreign Private and Private International Law, Hamburg (2003-2004); Referendar (law clerk) at the Oberlandesgericht Hamburg (2001-2003); Stagiaire at the European Commission, DG Competition, Brussels (2002)
Sole Arbitrator in various ICC and LCIA related to engineer consulting contracts, public works, loans, international finance contracts, international sales of high-tech equipment
Books: Commentary on the UNIDROIT Principles for International Commercial Contracts (with S. Vogenauer, OUP 2009); International Commercial Arbitration in Latin America – Regulation and Practice in the MERCOSUR and the Associated Countries (Oceana / OUP 2005). Articles & Chapters: “Investment Protection and EU Law: The ECT Between Intra and Extra-EU BITs”, Journal of International Economic Law
(2011 forthcoming), “Lord Mustill and the Courts of Tennis: Dallah v Pakistan in Utopia, England and France”, Modern Law Review (2012, forthcoming); “Arbitraje Comercial Internacional en Inglaterra” in: J.L. Collantes & A.C. Cremades (eds.), El Arbitraje Comercial Internacional en Europa (Lima 2012 forthcoming); “Unification of Laws in Venezuela” (with Allan Brewer-Carías), in: M. Halberstam & M. Reimann (eds), Unification of Laws in Federal Systems (forthcoming 2012) “Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards”, in: J.Basedow et al (eds), Encyclopedia of European Private Law (OUP 2012); “The Review of Arbitrator’s Interpretation of International Contracts: Transnational Law as a Dangerous Short-Cut. Note regarding Swiss Federal Supreme Court Decision 4A_240/2009”, 29:2 ASA Bulletin 145-158 (2011); “The Future of the BITs of the European Member States After Lisbon”, 29:1 ASA Bulletin 212-223 (2011); “Part II – The Draft Regulation on Transitional Arrangements”, in: S.Woolcock (ed.), The EU Approach to International Investment Policy after the Lisbon Treaty (European Parliament INTA Study 2010); “The Impact of Internationally Mandatory Laws on the Enforceability of Arbitration Agreements”, 3(2) World Arbitration and Mediation Review 91-120 (2009); “National Report for the United States – Commercial Arbitration” (with Joel Samuels), in: J. Sánchez Cordero (ed.), The Impact of Uniform Law on National Law: Limits and Possibilities Annex 129-171 (Mexico City 2010); “Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards” in: R. Wolfrum (ed.), Max-Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (Oxford: OUP, 2008); “Comparative Law in Latin America” in: M. Reimann/R. Zimmermann (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law 261-301 (Oxford: OUP 2006); “Medidas cautelares en el arbitraje: Una perspectiva comparatista” in: D. Fernánez A./R. Herbert (eds.), Liber Amicorum en homenaje al Profesor Dr. Didier Opertti Badám 269-287 (Montevideo/Uruguay: FCU 2005); “O Brasil e as disputas com investidores estrangeiros” in: R. Di Sena Jr. & M.T. Costa Souza Cherem (eds.), Comércio Internacional e Desenvolvimento – Uma Perspectiva Brasileira 156-187 (São Paulo: Saraiva 2004); “Evolution of Corporate Law: A Cross Country Comparison” (with K. Pistor, Y. Keenan, M. West), 23 U. Pa. J. Int’l Econ. L. 791-871 (2002); “Legal Certainty in the MERCOSUR: The Uniform Interpretation of Community Law” 6 NAFTA: L. & Bus. Rev. of the Americas 5-34 (2000).