Denis J. Bensaude
12, rue Déodat de Séverac
Paris 75017 France
Bensaude (2004 – to date); Bredin Prat (2003-2004), Paris, senior associate; ICC International Court of Arbitration (1999-2002), Paris, Counsel; Ayache Salama & Associés (1996-1999), Paris, senior associate, mergers and acquisitions, international litigation and arbitration; Linklaters (1994-1996), Paris, associate, finance, mergers and acquisitions.
ICDR panel of arbitrators; ICC French National Committee list of Arbitrators; AFA (French Arbitration Association) list of arbitrators; OHADA list of arbitrators; DIAC (Dubai International Arbitration Center) qualified arbitrator; Kuala-Lumpur Regional Center for Arbitration panel of arbitrators.
counsel, ICC (International Chamber of Commerce), sponsoring contract (France-Africa); counsel, Zurich Chamber of Commerce, share purchase agreement (France-Switzerland); co-arbitrator, ICC, industrial liability (Europe); co-arbitrator, ICC, industrial liability (USA-Europe); co-arbitrator, ICC, franchise (Europe); chairman, UNCITRAL, services contract (Europe); sole arbitrator, CMAP (Centre de Médiation et d’Arbitrage de Paris), agency (Europe-Africa); counsel, CCIG (Chambre de Commerce d’Industrie et des Services de Genève), pharmaceutical distribution (Eastern Europe-France); co-arbitrator, CMAP, share purchase agreement (USA-Europe); co-arbitrator, ICC, industrial equipment distribution (France-Middle East); co-arbitrator, ICC, sale of industrial machinery (Europe-North Africa); co-arbitrator, ICC, FIDIC construction (North America-North Africa); co-arbitrator, CCIG, share purchase agreement (Africa); counsel, ICC, services contract (Asia-Middle East); co-arbitrator, ICC, services contract (Europe-Africa); co-arbitrator, ICC, construction (Europe); counsel, ICC, services contract (Asia-Africa); sole arbitrator, ICC, sale of commodities (Europe-Africa); co-arbitrator, ad hoc, industrial liability (France); co-counsel, ICC, contract claim (Europe-middle east); chairman, ICC, joint-venture (Europe); chairman, AFA (Association for Arbitration), sale of shares (France); chairman, CCJA, joint-venture (Africa); co-arbitrator, ICC, distribution (Lebanon-France & USA); sole arbitrator, ICC, sale of goods (Spain-China); sole arbitrator, hotel management (Belgium-Spain); counsel, ICC, construction oil & gas (France-Africa); co-arbitrator, ICC, agency (UK-Switzerland); chairman, ICC, maritime industry (North Africa-Europe); co-arbitrator, LCIA (London Court of International Arbitration), pharmaceutical industry (USA-Europe); sole arbitrator, ICC, international trade (Europe); chairman, AFA, pharmaceutical industry (France); sole arbitrator, ICC, international trade (South America–Eastern Europe); counsel, UNCITRAL, BIT claim (France-Africa); sole arbitrator, UNCITRAL, international trade (Eastern Europe); co-arbitrator, CCIG, industrial investment (Eastern Europe); co-arbitrator, ad hoc, sale of shares (France); counsel, ICC, privatization (Africa); sole arbitrator, ICC, international trade (South America-Eastern Europe); counsel, ICSID, investment (Middle East-America & Europe, 3 cases); counsel, ICC, automobile industry, sale of shares (Europe); counsel, UNCITRAL, telecommunications, sale of shares (Europe); counsel, ICC, telecommunications, privatization (Europe); counsel, ICC, sale of shares, competition law (France-Northern Europe); counsel, CAIP (Chambre Arbitrale Internationale de Paris), sale of commodities.
French domestic and international arbitration law, in World Arbitration Reporter, Juris Publishing, ed. L. Mistelis, L. Shore, 2016 and 2014; French international arbitration law, in Concise Arbitration, Kluwer Law International, ed. L. Mistelis, 2015 and 2010; Mealey’s International Arbitration Report “A view from Paris”, with J. Kirby (8 issues from Feb. 2009 to June 2010); Journal of International Arbitration (The Netherlands): J. Int’l Arb. 24(4): 415–422, 2007 “The International Law Association’s Recommendations on Res Judicata and Lis Pendens in International Commercial Arbitration”; J. Int’l Arb. 23(1): 81-94, 2006 “Truncated Tribunals and Waivers of Dutco Rights”; J. Int’l Arb. 22(4): 357-362, 2005 “Interim Awards on Provisional Measures in International Arbitration”; J. Int’l Arb. 22(3): 239-244, 2005 “Defining the Limits of Scrutiny of Awards Based on Alleged Violations of European Competition Law”; Journal of Arab International Arbitration: note under CA Paris, 24 Nov. 2011, in 2012, vol. 4, No.3, p.87 ; Revue de l’Arbitrage (France): Rev. Arb., 2011.500, note under TGI, Paris 29 March 2010 ; Rev. Arb. 2009.445, “Les Recommandations de l’Association de Droit International, sur la détermination du contenu du droit applicable en arbitrage commercial international” ; Rev. Arb. 2007.471: “Retours choisis sur les intérêts moratoires, la conciliation et l’abus de procédure en arbitrage”; Rev. Arb. 2006.925: “Demandes extracontractuelles : étendue et limites de la clause arbitrale”; Rev. Arb. 2004.887: “L'expiration de la convention d'arbitrage et la prolongation du délai pour rendre la sentence dans l'arbitrage CCI”; Rev. Arb. 2004.631: “L’interprétation de la sentence et l’article 1153-1 alinéa 1er du Code civil”; Rev. Arb. 2003.143: “Clarification de la définition française de la sentence arbitrale internationale » ; Gazette du Palais: French domestic and international arbitration law chronicle (31 issues to date); and Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage 27, No. 1, 2004: “Les moyens relevés d’office par l’arbitre en arbitrage international.”