David W. Rivkin

Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
919 Third Avenue
New York, New York 10022
Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, New York (Associate 1981-1988, Partner 1988- ); Law Clerk, Judge Luther Swygert, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit (1980-1981)
AAA (former member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors; former Chair of the Law Committee and headed Task Forces to revise the Association’s international and commercial arbitration rules); ABA (Litigation Section: former Co-Chair of the International Litigation Committee, former member of the Section’s Council and its Director of Divisions); American Law Institute (Council Member; Adviser to the Restatement of the Law of International Arbitration, previously served as an Adviser on Transnational Rules of Civil Procedure); Association of the Bar of the City of New York (Member); Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Fellow); Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (Member, Commission on Settlement in International Arbitration); College of Commercial Arbitrators (Fellow); Council on Foreign Relations (Member); IBA (Vice President, former Secretary-General, former Chair, Legal Practice Division, which includes more than 50 substantive committees, and former Chair, Committee D on Arbitration and ADR); Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeas, Universidad de San Pablo in Madrid (Member, Centro Internacional de Arbitraje, Mediacion y Negociacion); LCIA (immediate past President, North American Users’ Council, former Vice President of the Court); NAFTA Advisory Committee on Private Commercial Disputes (founding member); SCC (Vice Chair of the Board of the Arbitration Institute); SIAC (Member of the Board); U.S. Secretary of State’s Advisory Committee on Private International Law (Member); Department of State’s Advisory Committee on International Economic Policy (Member of the Sanctions Subcommittee).
Hundreds of cases, as counsel and as arbitrator, before virtually every major arbitration institution in the world, including ICSID, AAA, ICC, LCIA, SCC, as well as ad hoc cases.
Books: Model Law Decisions: Cases Applying the UNCITRAL Model Law on Arbitration, 1985-2001 (Kluwers 2003) and Litigation and Arbitration in Central and Eastern Europe (Kluwers 1998). Articles: “Arbitration and Enforcement in the United States”, Arbitration Review of the Americas (2014), co-author; “The Impact of International Arbitration on the Rule of Law,” Clayton Utz Lecture, Arbitration International (2013); "International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes", Arbitration World (European Lawyer, 2012), co-author; "Who Decides Arbitrability? A Resurgence of the Debate in the United States", Arbitration Review of the Americas (2013), co-author; "The Revised IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence", Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2012); "United States", Arbitration World (European Lawyer 2012), co-author; “Obtaining Evidence for Use in International Arbitrations Through United States Courts” in Global Arbitration Review (2010); “Promoting Efficiency in International Arbitration” in Iberian Lawyer (2010); “Strategic Considerations in Developing An International Arbitration Case” in The Art of Advocacy in International Arbitration (Juris 2010); “Towards a Unified Approach to the Law Applicable to the Arbitration Agreement in the United States Courts” in Between East and West: Essays in Honour of Ulf Franke (Juris 2010); “The Application of New York Law to Contracts” in International Commercial Arbitration in New York (Oxford Press 2010); “Attachment and Execution on Commercial Assets,” in Enforcement of Arbitral Awards Against Sovereigns (Juris 2009); “Towards a New Paradigm in International Arbitration: The Town Elder Model Revisited” in Arbitration International, vol. 24, no. 3 (2008); “Protecting Both the FAA and Party Autonomy: The Hall Street Decision,” in The American Review of International Arbitration (2008); “The Public Policy Exception to the Enforcement of International Arbitral Awards” in Stockholm International Arbitration Review (2008); “The Role of Institutions in Investor-State Arbitration” in Investor-State Arbitration: Lessons for Asia (HKIAC 2008).