David Arias

Alcalá 61
Madrid 28014
Well known for work in the field of arbitration, in both institutional and ad hoc cases, at international and local levels; on an international level, has acted as arbitrator and counsel in many important arbitrations administered by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) and in domestic arbitrations before entities such as the Arbitration Court of Madrid (CAM), and the Commercial and Civil Arbitration Court (CIMA); has also participated as arbitrator and/or lawyer in ad hoc international arbitrations, including proceedings under UNCITRAL rules. Officer of the IBA Arbitration Committee; Member of the ICC Latin American Arbitration Group; LCIA; CIMA; Member of the Arbitration Commission of the Spanish ICC Committee (CCI) CAM; Secretary General, Spanish Arbitration
Club (CEA); member of the Panel of International Arbitrators by the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board.
the Arbitration Court of Madrid (CAM), the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) and the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB).
Arbitrator in more than 20 institutional and ad-hoc arbitrations; Counsel in more than 25 international and domestic arbitration cases
Coordinated “Comentarios a la Ley de Arbitraje de 2003” (Comments on Arbitration Law (2003)) Editorial Aranzadi, 2004. Other contributions include “El Código de Arbitraje” (The Arbitration Code), Editorial Aranzadi, Navarra, 2005; “La suspensión cautelar de acuerdos de Sociedades Anónimas” (“Provisional Injunctions of SA Decisions”) in “Las medidas cautelares por razón de la materia” (“Injunctions in Relation to the Object”), CGPJ, Madrid, 1998; “Comentarios a la Ley del Jurado”, (con AAVV. Coord. de la Oliva Santos), C.e.r.a., Madrid, 1999; and “Comentarios a la Nueva Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil”, (“Comments on Civil Procedural Law”), (AAVV. Coords. Fernández-Ballesteros, Rifá y Valls), Iurgium, Madrid, 2000