Daniel Hochstrasser

Bär & Karrer AG
Brandschenkestrasse 90
CH-8002 Zurich
Counsel, Legal Department of the French subsidiary of Swiss group of companies (1986-1987); Court Secretary (staff attorney) at District Court, Court of Appeals and Court of Cassation (Supreme Court) of Zürich (1987-1992)
Member of the Zurich Bar Association, Swiss Bar Association and International Bar Association; Member of the Advisory Committee of the Swiss Arbitration Academy; Member of the Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA); Member of the Arbitration Court of the Swiss Chambers' Arbitration Institution (2004-2014); Member of the comité de rédaction of "Bulletin ASA" (1997-2000), and the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; President of the Commission on International Arbitration of the Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats (AIJA) (1998-2001); President of the Strategic Planning Group of AIJA (2001-2004), National and/or General Reporter at AIJA Annual Congresses for various Working Sessions (1995-2003), Work Coordinator for the Scientific Program of AIJA’s Annual Congress 2002 in Lisbon
Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA); International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
Party counsel or co-counsel in approx. 200 international and domestic arbitration cases since 1993; Cases include arbitrations conducted under the auspices of the ICC, the Swiss Chambers of Commerce, the Stockholm Chamber, DIS, and the Vienna International Arbitral Centre, as well as ad hoc arbitrations; appointed as party-appointed arbitrator, sole arbitrator and as chairman of the arbitral tribunal in over 100 arbitrations under the ICC, Swiss and other Rules as well as in ad-hoc arbitrations; recognized as leading arbitration and litigation lawyer by Chambers, PLC and other publications; frequently speaker or panelist on arbitration related topics in Switzerland and abroad; lecturer at the Swiss Arbitration Academy
Zur Revision des Kostenrechts im Zivilprozess – Das Gegenteil von gut ist nicht schlecht, sondern gut gemeint (with Predrag Sunaric), in: AJP 3/2021, pp. 348-354
Dissenting Opinion – weder Ärgernis noch Torheit (with Predrag Sunaric), in: SchiedsVZ, 1/2021, pp. 35-40
Schiedsgerichte: Corona als Katalysator für neue Verhandlungsformen (with Stephan Wilske), in: Lawstyle 2020, pp. 16-18
Commentary on the Swiss Private International Law Act, 4th Edition, Zurich 2020: Introduction to International Arbitration, pp. 1799-1869 (with Simone Burlet); Commentary on Article 176, pp. 1869-1886 (with Daniel C. Pfiffner)
Richard Susskind, Online Costs and the future of Justice – Niemand will Gerichte, Richter und Anwälte!, Book Review, in: Lawstyle, 1/2020, pp. 34/35
Die Vergleichsverhandlung aus Sicht des Anwalts (with Nadja Jaisli), in: Fachhandbuch Zivilprozessrecht, Zurich 2020, pp. 473-483
Arbitration in Switzerland (with Nadja Jaisli Kull, Predrag Sunaric and Nadine Wipf), in: Lexology GTDT - Arbitration 2020, February 2020
Brexit and its Effects on Civil and Commercial Litigation in Switzerland (with Nadja Jaisli, Andrea Roth and Marianna Nerushay), in: Bär & Karrer Briefing October 2019
Revision of the Swiss International Arbitration Law (with Nadja Jaisli and Andrea Roth), in: Bär & Karrer Briefing October 2018
Modification of the ICC Rules of Arbitration, in: Bär & Karrer Briefing November 2016
Switzerland – ICC Emergency Arbitrator Rules (with Simone Burlet-Fuchs), in: European, Middle Eastern and African Arbitration Review 2016, pp. 131-135
The European, Middle Eastern and African Arbitration Review 2016 (with Simone Fuchs) - A Global Arbitration Review Special Report, Country Chapter Switzerland, pp. 131-135
The Arbitral Tribunal's Duties to Ensure Fair and "Ethical" Proceedings (with Anne-Florence Bock), in: Festschrift für Siegfried H. Elsing zum 65. Geburtstag, Frankfurt am Main 2015, pp. 193-209
Commercial Litigation in State Courts – Why Arbitration is Not Always the Better Choice in Swiss Domestic Disputes (with Nadja Jaisli), Who's Who Legal, October 2015
- Controlling Efficient Conduct and Quality of the Proceedings, in: ASA Special Series No. 40
- Einleitung zum zwölften Kapitel: Grundlage der Internationalen Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit, in: Basler Kommentar Internationales Privatrecht (Introduction to the 12th Chapter of the Swiss Private International Law Act on Arbitration), pp. 1409-1501, Zürich 2007 (new ed. 2013 forthcoming)
- Public and Mandatory Law in International Arbitration, Paper and Speech at the First European Colloquium of Young Arbitration Practitioners in Paris, 28 March 2003, published in: Towards a Uniform International Arbitration Law?, IAI Series on International Arbitration Law, New York/Bern 2005
- International Execution against Judgment Debtors – contribution on Switzerland (with Sandra De Vito), Oceana Publications, Dobbs Ferry, NY 2002
- numerous reports and notes in “Bulletin ASA” and other periodicals