Antoine Basile

Avenue Blanc 46
Geneva 1202
Professor: Univ. of Lyon (Lyon) - St Joseph Univ.
(Beirut1972–1986); Adjunct/Visiting Professor, Univ. of Paris X and Univ. of
Tours (l985-1990); Fulbright Scholar, Columbia Univ. Uris Hall, NY (1985);
UN Interregional Adviser on Investment and Technology: UNCTC and TCMD,
NY (1986-1992); UN Legal Advisory Services on Development, NY (1992–
1993); UNCTAD, Geneva (1993-1998); Member Council of Development and
Reconstruction, Lebanon (1977-1983); Bank of Lebanon (l964-l967); On the
Board of banks and groups of companies operating in various sectors
Bar Associations: Paris (1982), Beirut (1967).
Present and past affiliations: International Lawyers for Multitrade Cooperation,
UNCTAD, Geneva; AFLA, Vice-President, NY; ILA; ABA; ICC Lebanese
National Committee; various ICC commissions, Paris; Institut de Sciences
Mathématiques et Economiques Appliquées, Paris; International Rotary Club;
Fulbright Alumni, Washington DC; Arab Center for the Development of the
Rule of Law and Integrity, Beirut
Member of several panels including: ICC International
Court of Arbitration; AAA; UNCTAD Program on Dispute Settlement in
International Trade, Investment and Intellectual Property
Arbitrating international disputes for more than 30
years. On various occasions President of arbitration tribunals, Ad Hoc Arbitrator
and, sometimes, Sole Arbitrator, mostly in disputes involving contractors and
State corporations, as well as among joint ventures partners. Excerpts of Award
rendered as Sole Arbitrator (ICC case No. 5597) published in the ICC
International Court of Arbitration Bul. Vol. 2/No. 1 - June 1991 p. 19. Several
times assigned to mediation and conciliation missions, or to drafting arbitration
legislations, establishing dispute settlement machineries for governments and
regional organizations like the Arab Cooperation Council (1990); Lectured at,
directed, and participated in seminars on dispute and conflict resolution
organized by ICC, Harvard Law School, UN agencies, Berghof Research Centre
for Constructive Conflict Management, Berlin; Arab Centre for the development
of the Rule of Law and Integrity, Beirut, etc.
Author of books and articles in specialized publications edited in several languages, some of which were translated in other languages. Some works are referenced hereafter: Principal contributor to : «Bonne gouvernance en matière de promotion de l’investissement », UNCTAD Series (2005); “Tax incentives and Foreign Direct Investment. A Global Survey”. UNCTAD (2000); “Investment regimes in the Arab World. Issues and Policies”. UNCTAD, (2000); UNCTAD series “Investment Policy Review” Geneva (1997-1998); “Formulation and implementation of foreign investment policies. Selected Key issues”, UN, NY (1992); “Zones of joint entrepreneurship in centrally planned economies”, UNCTC, NY (1991); "Guidelines on privatization", UNDP, NY (1991); "Debt equity conversions. A guide for decision-makers", UN, NY (1990); Authored: “The Power of Soft Law” in K Hamdani & L Ruffing: UNCTC: Corporate conduct in the public interest (London: Routledge, 2015); “Role of Debt-Equity Conversions in Privatization and Deregulation Processes” in “Privatization and deregulation in global perspective”. Greenwood Press Inc., NY (1990); “Banking Law” in "The Lebanese Legal System", Georgetown Univ., Washington DC (l985); “Investing in Free Export Processing Zones”, OECD Development Centre, Paris (1984); “Sociétés de base et fiscalité internationale’, Ministry of Information, Beirut (l984) ; “Commerce extérieur et développement de la petite nation” Droz, Geneva (l972.)