Stephen R. Jagusch
90 High Holborn
London WC1V 6LJ
United Kingdom
Assistant Solicitor Simpson Grierson, Auckland (1989–1994); Assistant Solicitor Freshfields, London (1994–1996); Assistant Solicitor Freshfields, Paris (1996–2000); Assistant Solicitor Allen & Overy, London (2000–2002); Partner Allen & Overy (2002-2012); Global Head of International Arbitration Allen & Overy (2010-2012).
Specializing in international commercial and investment treaty arbitrations; Acted as advisor and advocate in dozens of ad hoc and institutional international arbitrations, conducted in many countries across the world and subject to a wide variety of governing substantive and procedural laws; many cases have been for or against sovereign States or substantial multinational organizations; recognised as an expert in the field of ICSID arbitration and disputes arising under bilateral or multilateral investment treaties; acts as adviser and advocate regularly accepts appointments as Sole Arbitrator, Chairman or co arbitrator in international arbitrations, both institutional and ad hoc.
Recognized as an expert in commercial and treaty arbitration in all leading expert and directories.
Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators; ICC Commission on International Arbitration (Former Alternate Member for New Zealand); International Arbitration Institute; Association of Swiss Arbitrators; International Bar Association; Former Chairman ICC UK Working Group on E-Disclosure; IBA Rules of Evidence Subcommittee; ICC Task Force on Arbitration Involving States or State Entities; Executive Committee member and regular faculty of FIAA (the Foundation for International Arbitral Advocacy); Member of the ICDR Panel of Arbitrators. Former Honorary Lecturer, Centre for Energy, Petroleum, Mineral Law and Policy (CEPMLP), University of Dundee, International Dispute Resolution and Arbitrating with States
Select List: 2006, September, Co-arbitrator, SCC Arbitration V (085/2005), claims withdrawn (January 2007); 2007, January, Chairman, LCIA 7871, pending; 2007, September, Sole Arbitrator, LCIA 7924, claims withdrawn (December 2007); 2007, October, Chairman, ICC 15105, claims withdrawn (December 2008); 2008, February, Co-arbitrator, ICC 15021, Award on Jurisdiction (December 2008), withdrawal of claims (April 2009); 2007, November, Sole Arbitrator, LCIA 7977, Final Award (March 2009); 2008, March, Chairman, ad hoc (ICC Appointing Authority UNC 88/VRO), pending; 2009, January, Chairman, LCIA 81194, settled (mid 2009); 2009, January, Co-arbitrator, ICDR 50 180 T 00481, pending; 2009, January, Co-arbitrator, LCIA 91247, Award on Jurisdiction (June 2009), pending; 2009, February, Co-arbitrator, ICC 16025, pending 2009, October, Chairman, LCIA 6768, pending
Select Bibliography: “BITs and Pieces”, Disputes 2003. “Dos and Don'ts for Counsel”, Global Arbitration Review, February 2006. “The Impact of Third Parties on International Arbitration—Issues of Assignment”, Pervasive Problems in International Arbitration, Kluwer, 2006. Co-author, “The Limits of Protection for Investments and Investors under the Energy Charter Treaty”, Investment Arbitration and the Energy Charter Treaty, Juris, 2006. Commentary on “National Treatment—Is Discriminatory Intent Relevant”, Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law, JurisNet LLC, 2008. “E-Disclosure in International Arbitration”, Electronic Disclosure in International Arbitration, JurisNet, LLC, 2008. Co-author, “Denial of Advantages under Article 17(1)”, Investment Protection and the Energy Charter Treaty, Juris, 2008. Co-author “Compensation for the Breach of Relative Standards of Treaty protection”, The Journal of World Investment and Trade, Vol 10 No 4, August 2009