Maxi Scherer
49 Park Lane
London, W1K 1PS
United Kingdom
Bernard Hertz Bejot, Paris, France; Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, Paris, France.
IBA, member of the subcommittee on Arbitration
Global Advisory Board ICDR Y&I
Co-chair DIS 40
International Law Associations (ILA)
French Society of Private International Law (CFDIP)
Extensive experience with arbitral practice and procedure in civil and common law systems, both in commercial and investment arbitration procedural laws, in different industry sectors. Regularly ranked by Who’s Who Legal, The Legal 500 UK as leading arbitration practitioner: in 2016, identified amongst the top five “Most Highly Regarded Individuals” of future leaders in the world from a listing of almost 600 names; described by peers and clients as “thought leader in the field of international arbitration”, “one of the best upcoming arbitrators” and recognized for “strong combination of practice and academia.”
Represented and advised clients in numerous international commercial and investment arbitrations before most major arbitral institutions (including ICSID, ICC, ICDR, DIS, LCIA, HKIAC, VIAC and SIAC), governed by a variety of substantive and procedural laws (including Algerian, Austrian, Belgian, Dutch, French, German, Hong Kong, English, Kazak, Luxembourg, Nigerian, Polish, US and Swiss law), in different industry sectors, with a particular focus on energy disputes.
Served as arbitrator (presiding, sole, co- and emergency arbitrator) in over 40 ad hoc and institutional arbitrations, including with States and State-owned parties, with significant amounts in dispute (often over 100 million and up to over 1.3 billion USD) and multiple parties (e.g. over 40 parties).
Books: International Arbitration in the Energy and Natural Resources Sector (ed.), Oxford University Press, 2017 (forthcoming); Transparency in International Investment Arbitration, Cambridge University Press, (2015); Arbitrating under the 2014 LCIA Rules, Wolters Kluwer (2015); The New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, author of sections on Articles III, IV and V(1)(b), R. Wolff (ed.), C. H. Beck München & Hart Publishing Oxford (2012); Le Nom en Droit International Privé, Etude de Droit Comparé Français et Allemand [The Name in Private International Law – A Study of French and German Comparative Law], LGDJ (2004).
Articles: A Comparative and Normative Analysis of Parties’ Agreements on Judicial Review of Awards, Arbitration International, 2016; Effects of International Judgments Relating to Awards, Pepperdine Law Journal, pp. 101-118, 2016; Limits to Party Autonomy during the Post-Award Review Stage, with L. Silberman in: F. Ferrari (ed), Limits to Party Autonomy in International Commercial Arbitration, Juris Publishing, 2016; L’autorité de chose jugée des décisions relatives au contrôle des sentences [Res Judicata of foreign judgments relating to arbitral awards], Revue de l’arbitrage, pp. 1-35, 2016; The New Emergency Arbitrator Provisions and Other Options for Urgent Relief Under the 2014 LCIA Rules, European International Arbitration Review, pp. 81-105, 2015; Ethical Questions Regarding Counsel Conduct in Arbitration, in : What a Counsel in Arbitration Can Do, Must Do or Must not Do?, Vanessa Foncke and Benoît Kohl (eds.), Bruylant, pp. 17-38, 2015; Transparency in International Investment Arbitration, in New Horizons of International Arbitration, 3rd edition, A. Asoskov, A. Muranov, R. Khodykin (eds), pp. 166-172, 2015; Les effets des jugements étrangers relatifs aux sentences arbitrales, Travaux du Comité français de droit international privé (2013-2014), Pedone, pp. 101-135, 2015; Set-Off In International Arbitration, Austrian Yearbook of International Arbitration, C.H. Beck, pp. 451-474, 2015.