Republic of Hungary - Enforcement of Money Judgments
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A. Describe the receptiveness of your government (including courts) toward enforcement of foreign money judgments.
The resolutions passed by foreign courts and foreign arbitration tribunals shall be executed in Hungary on the basis of 1. international convention or 2. reciprocity (Sec. 205 of Act LIII/1994, thereinafter “the Act on Judicial Execution”), or 3. without any convention or reciprocity if the competence of the foreign court over the given dispute had been stipulated by the parties themselves (Sec. 73 (2) (b) Law Decree XIII/1979, thereinafter “Act on International Private Law”).
1. The Republic of Hungary has concluded two bilateral conventions on the recognition and execution of foreign civil court decisions; the first one in 1980 with the Republic of France (Law-Decree 3 of 1982) and the second in 1982 with the Republic of Tunisia (Law-Decree 2 of 1985).
2. There is reciprocity between the Republic of Hungary and the Federal Republic of Germany concerning the recognition and execution of money judgments in civil and commercial procedures. The declarations of the parties were issued in 1992.
3. Recognition of a foreign money judgment is not conditional upon either the existence of any convention or reciprocity in respect of property-related legal disputes if the competence of the foreign court making the decision had been stipulated by the parties in writing, or verbally but later on confirmed in writing, or in a form that satisfies the usual course of dealing between parties, or in international commerce, in a form that conforms to trade usage with which the parties are familiar.
The above general rules must be applied together with the following auxiliary regulations: