CHAPTER 20 - Israel - Interim Measures in International Arbitration
Louis Garb
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May, 2014
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Originally from: Interim Measures in International Arbitration
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In reading the replies hereunder, it should first of all be borne in
mind that Israeli law is basically a common law system. Although some
codification has been introduced in recent years, nevertheless the spirit
remains that of the common law system and indeed when foreign
precedents are quoted in decisions, they are almost invariably from
common law countries and not from civil law countries.
The framework for arbitration proceedings is governed by the
Arbitration Law of 1968 as amended but the question of provisional
remedies brings other laws into play and in particular the Civil Procedure
Regulations of 1984 as amended. (These rules were adopted from the
procedure followed in English courts and anyone familiar with such rules
would find himself “at home” with the Israeli procedure.)
The Arbitration Law does not define “arbitration” but rather “an
arbitration agreement’ which is a written agreement to refer any dispute
between the parties to the agreement to the arbitration procedure. The
agreement does not have to name the arbitrator and no particular
formalities apart from that of writing—although not necessarily in one
complete document written acceptance of an oral offer has been
recognized as being sufficient—are necessary. The intention for an
arbitrator to be appointed, however, has to be clear. As in any other case
where an agreement is governed by the Israeli law of contracts, the basic
requirement is consensus ad idem. The same defenses may be made
against the enforcement of arbitration agreements as may be made to the
enforcement of any other contractual obligation such as
misrepresentation, fraud, undue influence etc.
If the parties have not appointed an arbitrator in the agreement and
are unable to come to agreement regarding his identity, then application
will have to be made to the relevant district court for appointment of an