The Autonomy of Arbitrators in Determining the Law Applicable to the Merits of a Case - Czech and Central European Yearbook of Arbitration - 2012: Party Autonomy versus Autonomy of Arbitrators

Nikolay Natov
Page Count: 
20 pages
Media Description: 
PDF from "Czech and Central European Yearbook of Arbitration - 2012: Party Autonomy versus Autonomy of Arbitrators"
April, 2012
Author Detail: 

Nikolay Natov, Professor of PIL at the Faculty of Law, The St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, Bulgaria; Arbitrator and conciliator for Bulgaria at the ICSID; from 1993 to 2007 - arbitrator at CA/BCCI; since 2008 -Head International Arbitration Court of Legal Interaction Alliance (Sofia, Bulgaria); ICC ad hoc arbitrator - 3 cases; author of 4 books, over 100 articles on various aspects of private international law (in Bulgarian and English).
