United States - State of Georgia - Country Report - Handbook on Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration- Second Edition
Originally from Handbook on Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration, Second Edition
1. The TPF market in the state of Georgia (USA)
1.1. Please shortly describe the TPF market in your Jurisdiction.
The TPF market is robust and growing, with many active funders.
1.2. Is it dominated by local or international Funders? Which Funders are active? Which cases get typically funded?
Most major funders active in the larger U.S. market are also active in Georgia. Some of the funders actively marketing in Georgia include Oasis Financial, High Rise Legal Funding, Amicus Capital Group, Esquire Bank, and Advocate Capital.
1.3. What types of funding exist (e.g., ISDS, Commercial Arbitration, portfolio funding, respondent-side funding, etc.)?
Claimant-side funding is by far the most common in Georgia, but other types of funding are also available, including defense-side funding.
1.4. Is there any directory on available Funders?
Not to my knowledge.
1.5. Are there any funding brokers active in your Jurisdiction?
Yes, Red Bridges Advisors LLC seems to be the most active.
1.6. Are there any other active parties involved in Funding (e.g., interest groups)?
Various tort reform groups have advocated for regulation of third-party funding. One of the more prominent, the American Tort Reform Foundation, recently issued a report complaining that “[t]here has been no movement … in the Georgia legislature to address the growing concern posed by unbound lawsuit lending, which leads to unreasonable settlement demands, and lengthier, more costly litigation” and that “predatory financing companies or lenders” can “act unethically to operate without regulatory oversight.”