Remember Me?: Circuit City Returns to the Ninth Circuit to Litigate the Enforcement of Its Arbitration Agreement in Circuit City Stores, Inc. v. Mantor - JAA 2003 Vol. 2, No. 2

Andra I. Maniu
Page Count: 
12 pages
Media Description: 
PDF from "Journal of American Arnitration (JAA)"
July, 2011
Author Detail: 

Andra I. Maniu, J.D. candidate 2005, Tulane Law School; B.A. Princeton University, 2002. Author
graduated with a degree from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International
Policy, with a concentration in Eastern European politics. She would like to thank Olivia
Orza for her support and Marla Owczarek and Jacqueline Simms for their guidance. Ms.
Maniu is a contributing member of The Journal of American Arbitration.
