Peru - Baker & McKenzie International Arbitration Yearbook: 2012-2013

Ana María Arrarte
Page Count: 
14 pages
March, 2013
Author Detail: 

Ana Maria Arrarte Arisnabarreta is a Partner in Estudio Echecopar associated with Baker & McKenzie International in Lima, Peru. Ms. Arrarte represents clients in civil and commercial procedural law matters, including arbitration, negotiation and conciliation. She is a member of the arbitrators’ lists at the Center for Local and Foreign Conciliation and Arbitration of the Lima Chamber of Commerce, the State Council on Procurement and Acquisitions, the American Chamber of Commerce, the Center of Arbitration at the Professional Association of Engineers of Peru and the Center of Arbitration at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru. In addition to her practice, for the past 18 years, Ms. Arrarte has been a Professor at Peru’s most prestigious universities (Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Universidad de Lima, Universidad del Pacifico, among others). She has authored several articles on arbitration and litigation in both national and international law reviews, and has co-authored several books on litigation and arbitration.
