Number of Arbitrators - Article 13 - Chamber of Arbitration of Milan Rules: A Commentary

Laura Salvaneschi
Page Count: 
10 pages
Media Description: 
PDF from "Chamber of Arbitration of Milan Rules: A Commentary"
April, 2012
Author Detail: 

LAURA SALVANESCHI is Professor of Civil Procedure Law at the Bicocca University of Milan, where she now also teaches Arbitration Law. She has authored a number of scientific papers on different areas of civil procedure, in particular arbitration law. Noteworthy case studies are “The interest in challenging judicial decisions” and “multi-party arbitration”, as well as many several essays and notes on the reform of arbitration law published in collected works. She is a partner in the BEP Bonelli Erede Pappalardo office, where she practises litigation and arbitration in relation to cases involving contracts, corporate law, banking and finance law, bankruptcy, insolvency and family law.
