Language of the Arbitration - Article 5 - Chamber of Arbitration of Milan Rules: A Commentary

Manlio Frigo
Page Count: 
14 pages
Media Description: 
PDF from "Chamber of Arbitration of Milan Rules: A Commentary"
April, 2012
Author Detail: 

MANLIO FRIGO is Full Professor of International and European Law and of International Contracts and Arbitration Law at the Milan State University (Università degli Studi di Milano), Department of International Studies. Member of the Steering Committee of the PhD in International Economic Law of the Bocconi University, Milan; Member of the Committee on Cultural Heritage Law of the ILA (International Law Association). Partner of the Milan based law-firm Giacomini-Frigo-Martinello since 1988 and active as arbitrator in national and international commercial disputes. Author of several publications concerning the applicable law and the linguistic factor in the circulation of arbitral awards.
