Entry into Force - Article 39 - Chamber of Arbitration of Milan Rules: A Commentary

Andrea Santini
Page Count: 
2 pages
Media Description: 
PDF from "Chamber of Arbitration of Milan Rules: A Commentary"
April, 2012
Practice Areas: 
Author Detail: 

ANDREA SANTINI is Associate Professor of International Law at the Faculty of Political Science of the Catholic University of Milan, where he also teaches European Union Law; member of the Steering Committee of the Ph.D. School of Institutions and Policies at the same University. Author of several publications on issues of international law and EU law, among which the book Il principio di trasparenza nell’ordinamento dell’Unione europea (Giuffrè Editore, 2004); editor, with Ugo Draetta, of the book L’Unione europea in cerca di identità (Giuffrè Editore, 2008). Member of the editorial staff of the review Diritto del commercio internazionale.
