Diversity and Inclusion (or Lack Thereof) in International Arbitration: Investor-State Arbitration in the Spotlight - ARIA - Vol. 35, No. 1

Kabir Duggal
Amanda Lee
Annabel Marechal
Archismita Raha
Page Count: 
26 pages
November, 2024
Author Detail: 

Kabir Duggal is a Lecturer-in-Law at Columbia Law School and an SJD Candidate at Harvard Law School. 

Amanda Lee is an International Arbitrator, Consultant at Costigan King and Founder of Careers in Arbitration and ARBalance.

Archismita Raha is an international disputes lawyer and was part of the Columbia Law School LL.M. cohort in 2022-23.

Annabel Maréchal is a graduate of Sciences Po Paris and is specializing in trade and international dispute settlement. 
