Comment: U.S. State Department Subcommittee Report on the U.S. Model Bit - Identifying the Questions Raised - WAMR 2010 Vol. 4, No. 2

Jack J. Coe Jr.
Page Count: 
4 pages
Media Description: 
PDF from "World Arbitration and Mediation Review (WAMR)"
March, 2011
Author Detail: 

Since 1984, Professor Jack J. Coe, Jr. has been on
the faculty of Pepperdine Law School where he
teaches private international and commercial law.
He is a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation, an
elected Member of the ALI, an Associate Reporter
on the ALI Restatement (Third) of International
Commercial Arbitration. Coe has held several leadership posts
within professional organizations including: Member, ABA (SIL)
Working Group Revising the 1977 Ethics for Arbitrators; Chair,
Academic Council, Institute for Transnational Arbitration; Chair,
Disputes Division ABA Section of International Law, Co-Chair,
International Commercial Dispute Resolution Committee of the
ABA (SIL); and Co-Chair IBA Sub-Committee on Investor-State
Mediation. Coe’s practical arbitration experience began at the
Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal, where he served as a Legal Assistant for
two years. A member of the ICDR Panel (AAA), Coe has been both
a party–appointed and institutionally designated arbitrator.
