CHAPTER 3 - Austria - Interim Measures in International Arbitration
Nikolaus Pitkowitz
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May, 2014
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Originally from: Interim Measures in International Arbitration
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1. (a) Are courts authorized to issue orders of attachment,
injunctions or other provisional orders with respect to
arbitration proceedings?
Austrian courts are explicitly authorized by law to issue interim or
protective measures with respect to arbitration proceedings. This rule
appears in section 585 of the Austrian Code of Civil Procedure
(Zivilprozessordnung, hereinafter “ZPO”), which provides that the
existence of an arbitration agreement neither prevents a party from
seeking an interim or protective measure from a court nor prevents a
court from granting such relief. Arbitration Agreement and Interim
Measures by Court Section 585: “It is not incompatible with an
arbitration agreement for a party to request, before or during arbitral
proceedings, from a court an interim measure of protection and for a
court to grant such measure.”
This provision was added to the Austrian arbitration statute by the
Arbitration Amendment Act 2006 (Schiedsrechts-Änderungsgesetz),
which implemented the UNCITRAL Model Law on International
Commercial Arbitration. In fact, the newly introduced section 585 ZPO
codified the existing case law of the Austrian Supreme Court, which had
already recognized the authority of the domestic courts to grant interim
and protective measures with respect to arbitration proceedings.1
Article 33 ¶5 Vienna Rules (Rules of Arbitration of the International
Arbitral Centre of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber in Vienna,
last revised as of 1 July 2013) also expressly authorizes the parties to
apply to a domestic court or any other competent authority for interim
measures of protection.