Acceptance Remarks: 2013 Pat Murphy Award - WAMR 2013 Vol. 7, No. 4
Originally from World Arbitration And Mediation Review (WAMR)
Last Sunday, June 17, 2013, was Father’s Day, which I find includes grandfathers. I come to this moment with a sense of grand-fatherhood as regards this Institute. While Pat Murphy and I are far too close in years to be regarded as belonging to different generations, Pat is indisputably the Founding Great-grandfather of the ITA. This fact is forever signified by this Award, named after him, and of which he was, in 2008, the inaugural recipient.
Doak Bishop and I have known each other since we both attended the very first ITA Workshop in June of 1989. He has been a steady companion along the way. In addition to Doak, three people have repeatedly toiled for the ITA for many years, and still do, having in the meantime also chaired this Board. I speak specifically of Donald Donovan, David Caron, and Lucy Reed, each of whom I ask you to recognize this evening. I also have been supported by two Executive Directors of the Institute: Mark Smith, who held that position during most of the years I chaired this Board – from 1993 to 1999; and since 1999 David Winn, with whose late father I had the pleasure of serving with on the Board of Governors of the American Bar Association. Please recognize each of them. Finally, the President of the Center for American and International Law throughout my service as your Chairman was David Ellwanger, who has honored me by attending this evening’s dinner together with Mrs. Ellwanger. I always referred to David as “The Bishop.” Though he has long been active in the Lutheran Church, he is not a bishop, but I have always thought that he looks like a bishop. David, please stand up and be recognized.