American Arbitration Association (AAA)


Members listed in The Roster of International Arbitrators

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1633 Broadway, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10019
Phone: 212-716-5800
Fax: 212-716-5905

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About the American Arbitration Association

The American Arbitration Association® (AAA), with its long history and experience in the field of alternative dispute resolution, provides services to individuals and organizations who wish to resolve conflicts out of court.

The AAA role in the dispute resolution process is to administer cases, from filing to closing. The AAA provides administrative services in the U.S., as well as abroad through its International Centre for Dispute Resolution® (ICDR). The AAA's and ICDR's administrative services include assisting in the appointment of mediators and arbitrators, setting hearings, and providing users with information on dispute resolution options, including settlement through mediation. Ultimately, the AAA aims to move cases through arbitration or mediation in a fair and impartial manner until completion.

Additional AAA services include the design and development of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) systems for corporations, unions, government agencies, law firms, and the courts. The Association also provides elections services as well as education, training, and publications for those seeking a broader or deeper understanding of alternative dispute resolution.

Public Statement

The American Arbitration Association (AAA) has created a customer focused alignment of its resources through five new divisions. The divisions include Commercial; Construction; International; Labor/Employment/Elections; and State Insurance ADR disciplines. They encompass expertise in specific caseloads, which will provide AAA customers with easier access to the information they need and with more customized service that addresses the specific nuances of their industries.

As the new alignment evolves, the AAA will continue to have 30 worldwide offices, including case management centers and maintain all of the traditional AAA benefits.