Putting the Baby to Rest: Dispelling a Common Arbitration Myth - ARIA - Vol. 26, No. 1
Carter Greenbaum
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30 pages
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July, 2015
Originally from American Review of International Arbitration - ARIA
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The falsely held belief that arbitrators “split the baby” and deliver awards that
represent a compromise between claimants and respondents in arbitration has
persisted within the legal community for decades, despite a lack of empirical
evidence. This research presents an empirical analysis related to this assumption
as it impacts consumer and B2B commercial arbitration. It finds a dearth of actual
evidence of the incidence of compromise awards in commercial arbitrations.
Using a random sample of more than 400 confidential commercial arbitration
awards, this article concludes that the incidence of compromise awards in
commercial arbitration is insignificant.
Moreover, this research challenges many other assumptions about arbitration
generally, and about arbitrators splitting claims specifically. For example, some
practitioners believe former judge-arbitrators are less likely to issue compromise
awards than attorney-arbitrators. Not so. While the dataset does not support the
hypothesis that compromise awards are prevalent, it does indicate that
compromise decisions are more likely to be issued when two companies sue each
other, rather than when one litigant is a consumer. Yet, even in B2B arbitrations,
the incidence of claim splitting is minimal at best.
In 2011, RAND undertook a comprehensive study of how in-house counsel
perceive binding arbitration to understand why “corporate counsel do not use
arbitration more frequently.”1 An analysis of contracts from 21 of the largest
public corporations found that 77% of their consumer contracts included
mandatory arbitration, while only 6% of business-to-business contracts did.2 The
RAND study partially blamed the diminished use of abitration in B2B contracts
on the perception that arbitrators “split the baby.” Seventy percent of respondents
agreed that arbitrators “split the baby” despite empirical evidence from the AAA
that they do not.3 The report concluded, “[F]urther study of arbitration awards
(which is difficult at best) would be required to determine if arbitrators are
splitting awards.” If corporate counsel’s fear regarding the propensity of
arbitrators to split claims could be assuaged, they would use arbitration more in
their B2B contracts. At stake in this analysis is a multi-billion dollar industry of
private dispute resolution.
private dispute resolution.