Arbitration in Southern Europe: Insights from a Large-Scale Empirical Study - ARIA - Vol. 26, No. 2
Tony Cole
Pietro Ortolani
Barbara Warwas
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82 pages
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October, 2015
Originally from American Review of International Arbitration - ARIA
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Arbitration has achieved a central place in dispute resolution around the
globe, whether as a mechanism for the resolution of high value disputes between
companies engaged in cross-border transactions, or for the resolution of smaller
consumer, business or employment disputes.1 Despite this prominence, however,
little is actually known about the practice of arbitration beyond the elite confines
of top-level international commercial arbitration.
Books and articles on arbitration are certainly now common, and an extensive
network of arbitration conferences exists around the world.2 As a result, despite
the confidentiality that often shrouds individual arbitrations, information is
unquestionably readily available about both arbitration law and arbitration
practice. The difficulty, however, is that the dissemination of information about
arbitration through publications and conference talks ensures that an
overwhelming focus is placed on the work of elite practitioners, with broader
trends in arbitral practice receiving little attention.
Both published articles and conference speeches, after all, are
written/delivered either by elite practitioners themselves, by academics with little
direct knowledge of contemporary arbitral practice who unavoidably must rely on
the information provided by elite practitioners, or by individuals wishing to
become elite practitioners themselves who therefore have an incentive to portray
their own practice as consistent with that of elite practitioners. In a field, that is,
in which cross-border practice dominates attention, and career progression
depends on personal contacts, there is not only little incentive to emphasize local
deviations from the transnational norms of elite arbitral practice, but strong
disincentives to do so.
It was with this situation in mind that when the Legal Affairs Committee of
the European Parliament commissioned the authors of this article, along with
other members of the Brunel Centre for the Study of Arbitration and Cross-Border
Investment, to undertake a study of the “Legal Instruments and Practice of
Arbitration across the EU” (the “Study”), it was decided that a central platform of
that Study should be large-scale empirical research dedicated to identifying the
realities of arbitral practice in each of the States in the European Union plus
Switzerland.3 This empirical research took the form of a Survey of arbitration
practitioners across the European Union and Switzerland, consisting of 95
questions,4 and addressing such diverse topics as the backgrounds of arbitration
practitioners, the procedures used in the arbitrations in which respondents had
been involved, the considerations important for recommending arbitration and for
selecting an arbitrator, and environmental questions such as the attitude of judges
towards arbitration and the desirability of action by the European Union to
harmonize arbitration law across the European Union (the “Survey”).
The present article reports on and discusses the results of this Survey with
respect to six States collectively described here as constituting “Southern Europe”:
Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain. While these States share an
obvious geographic proximity, it is important to emphasize that the decision to
collect them into a single article was made not just on this geographic basis, but
also due to certain cultural and legal elements shared by these States that might be
thought to impact on local arbitral practice. Thus, for example, each of these
States has a highly developed legal profession, thereby providing a large number
of individuals with the legal expertise necessary to support an effective system of
arbitration. In addition, each of these States has had long-standing problems with
the slowness of domestic court litigation, a situation that is often seen as a major
encouragement to the development of arbitration. Nonetheless, while in some of
these States certain types of domestic arbitration have developed to a notable
level, and some of these States have generated a significant number of individual
arbitration practitioners with international reputations, no State discussed in this
article has yet achieved any significant international recognition as a forum for
The goal of this article, then, is not merely to report the results of the Survey,
but is instead to use the results of the Survey, interpreted in the light of the
additional information developed in the course of the Study, to generate a picture
additional information developed in the course of the Study, to generate a picture