Guatemala - Appendix Legislation - World Arbitration Reporter, Second Edition
Originally from World Arbitration Reporter (WAR) - 2nd Edition
Ley de Arbitraje/Arbitration Law--Decree 67-95 of Congress
Chapter I-- General Provisions
Art. 1. Scope of application
Art. 2. International arbitration
Art. 3. Subject-matter of arbitration
Art. 4. Definitions
Art. 5. Interpretation of rules
Art. 6. Notifications and terms
Art. 7. Waiver of right to object
Art. 8. Extent of court intervention
Art. 9. Court or other authority for certain functions of
arbitration assistance and supervision
Chapter II-- Arbitration Agreement
Art. 10. Form of arbitration agreement
Art. 11. The incompetence exception based in the
arbitration agreement
Art. 12. Arbitration agreement and
interim measures by court
Chapter III-- Composition of Arbitral Tribunal
Art. 13. Number of arbitrators
Art. 14. Qualifications to be arbitrators
Art. 15. Appointment of arbitrators
Art. 16. Grounds for challenge
Art.17. Challenge procedure
Art. 18. Failure or impossibility to act
Art. 19. Appointment of substitute arbitrator
Art. 20. Right to demand advances on costs and fees
Chapter IV-- Jurisdiction of Arbitral Tribunal
Art. 21. Competence of arbitral tribunal to rule on its jurisdiction
Art. 22. Power of arbitral tribunal to order interim measures
Chapter V-- Conduct of Arbitral Proceedings
Art. 23. Equal treatment of parties
Art. 24. Determination of rules of procedure
Art. 25. Place of arbitration
Art. 26. Commencement of arbitral proceedings
Art. 27. Language in International Arbitration
Art. 28. Statements of claim and defense
Art. 29. Hearings and written proceedings
Art. 30. Representation of the parties
Art. 31. Notifications
Art. 32. Default of a party
Art. 33. Expert appointed by arbitral tribunal
Art. 34. Court assistance in taking evidence
Art. 35. Procedure for the assistance in taking of evidence
Chapter VI-- Making of Award and
Termination of Proceedings
Art. 36. Rules applicable to substance of dispute
Art. 37. Amigable composición (“ex aequo et bono”)
Art. 38. Decision making by panel of arbitrators
Art. 39. Settlement
Art. 40. Form and contents of award
Art. 41. Termination of proceedings
Art. 42. Correction and interpretation of award;
additional award
Chapter VII-- Recourse against Award
Art. 43. Revision Recourse as exclusive recourse against arbitral award
Art. 44. Procedure to be followed in the Revision Recourse
Chapter VIII-- Recognition and Enforcement
of Awards
Art. 45. Applicable law to the recognition and enforcement of foreign awards
Art. 46. Recognition and enforcement
Art. 47. Grounds for refusing recognition or enforcement
Art. 48. Procedure to be followed in the Recognition and Enforcement Proceedings
Chapter IX-- Other Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods
between Private Parties
Art. 49. Conciliation
Art. 50. Conciliation procedure
Chapter X-- Final Provisions and Abrogations
Art. 51. Capacity of the State and Public entities to submit to arbitration
Art. 52. Pending Arbitrations
Art. 53. Modification of laws
Art. 54. Fusion of the concepts “compromissory clause”
and “compromis”
Art. 55. Repeals
Art. 56. Entry into force