Settlement Facilitation - Ten Years of Swiss Rules of International Arbitration - ASA Special Series No. 44
Markus Wirth
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October, 2014
Originally from Ten Years of Swiss Rules of International Arbitration - ASA Special Series No. 44
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Good morning everyone. I am glad to stand in for Peter Nobel.
He is an esteemed colleague of mine and I wish him all the best for a
He is an esteemed colleague of mine and I wish him all the best for a
quick recovery. He was supposed to speak about settlement
facilitation, so that is the topic I will address.
By settlement facilitation I understand facilitation by the
arbitrators. The question is: should it be the rule, should it be an
exception or should it be an absolute no go? The approach to that may
depend on one’s legal background, culture, and social traditions. The
same applies to a certain extent to the approach taken by arbitral
institutions. Depending on where they are located they may be more
open or not towards settlement facilitation.
Let me first briefly address the most repeated reasons for the
facilitation of a settlement by the arbitral tribunal and those against it.
They are obvious.
First of all, a settlement, if successful, saves time and costs;
secondly, a settlement may preserve business relationships; and, third,
an often-heard argument is that arbitration is not war but a consensual
process so settlement fits the process.
By contrast, there is a widespread approach that says arbitrators,
just like judges, should keep to their role: decide the case and not help
to reach compromises. A second concern is that if the facilitation fails,
the orderly completion of the arbitration may be at risk. I will come
back to that.
If we take a step back and look at the arbitral institutions and how
they reflect these contrary approaches, we will note that the vast
majority of institutional arbitration rules do not even mention
settlement facilitation by arbitrators. I refer for instance to the Rules of
the London Court of International Arbitration; the United Nations
Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Rules; the
Rules of the International Centre for Dispute Resolution; the Vienna