The Ombud's Perspective - A Critical Analysis of the ABA 2004 Ombuds Standards - Dispute Resolution Journal - Vol. 60, No. 3

Kevin Jessar
Page Count: 
6 pages
August, 2005
Author Detail: 

Kevin Jessar, J.D., Ph.D., has been an ombudsman at the National Institutes of Health since 2000. He handles individual and organizational cases, and is active in developing integrated conflict-management systems. These initiatives include designing and implementing “pre-nuptial” partnering agreements between scientists, mentoring agreements and peer resolution panels. Mr. Jessar is a member of The Ombudsman Association (TOA) and serves on its Curriculum Development Committee and the committee addressing the 2004 ABA Ombuds Standards. He is also an instructor for TOA on core ombuds principles and “best practices.” Prior to his work at NIH, Mr. Jessar designed and directed a nationwide mediation program for the National Archives, and before that he was an attorney at the Administrative Conference of the United States, a think tank responsible for implementing ADR in the federal sector.
