Identifying and Resolving Disputes in New Accountable Care Settings - Dispute Resolution Journal - Vol. 69, No. 4
Michael D. Roth
Leonard M. Fromer
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22 pages
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December, 2014
Originally from Dispute Resolution Journal
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Disputes arising in accountable care settings across the United
States will be different in substance and other important respects from
those previously confronted by physicians, hospitals, health plans,
and payers across the health care continuum in connection with how
care is provided and how providers get paid. This article explores the
nature of these potential disputes, and how and why mediation can
offer the most affordable, efficient, and least disruptive means for
resolving them.
A snapshot of two disputes, both unheard of in our nation's prior
health care delivery system and likely to arise in the new paradigm of
accountable care, should help illustrate the novelty and complexity of
this new paradigm.
First Snapshot: Dr. Elder and her partner Dr. Older have received
written notice from Best Accountable Care Organization (Best) that:
(1) their report card scores for patient disease outcomes, quality of care
process, and patient experience are low, (2) this has contributed to Best
being unable to lower its costs and meet benchmark quality and value
standards, (3) this has resulted in Best's being financially penalized by a
third party payer, and (4) Best will exclude them from its physicianpanel
if their scores do not come up to specified levels within three
months. Drs. Elder and Older argue in response to Best, to no avail,
that they cannot meet the measures, because their patients are
exclusively geriatric and comparing their scores to those of general
internists, whose patients are less expensive and easier to treat, is unfair
and inappropriate. Best responds that Drs. Elder and Older have not
completed any special training and do not hold any special certification
in geriatric care and, therefore, must be held to the same report card
standards as all internists at Best. Drs. Elder and Older promptly retain
legal counsel and prepare to sue Best for wrongful exclusion and
breach of contract because, in their judgment, it would be futile to try
meeting Best's specified metric scores and continuing to provide good
care to their geriatric patients. Drs. Elder's/Older's attorney advises
them to expect Best to cross-claim against them for breach of contract
in the event they sue Best following their termination.
in the event they sue Best following their termination.