Belgium - Baker & McKenzie International Arbitration Yearbook: 2010-2011
Arne K.E. Gutermann heads the Trade & Commerce Practice Group both in the Belgian and European-wide offices. Mr. Gutermann’s areas of expertise include all forms and types of commercial contracts, general contract law, mergers & acquisition contracts and commercial litigation and arbitration. He is a regular speaker at conferences regarding Belgian contract law and co-author of Distribution and Agency Laws in Europe and Standard Business Contracts under Belgian Law, an English reference guide for standard commercial contracts under Belgian law.
Joeri Vananroye is an Associate in Baker & McKenzie’s Brussels office and a member of the International Arbitration Practice Group of the Firm’s Global Dispute Resolution Practice Group and the Corporate Finance Practice Group. He is also a visiting professor in the corporate law program jointly organized by the universities of Brussels (HUB) and Louvain (KULeuven).
Koen De Winter is a Partner in Baker & McKenzie’s Antwerp office. He has extensive experience in domestic and international commercial disputes resolution, intellectual property including trademarks, copyright, patents, designs and related issues and heads the Dispute Resolution Practice Group. During his professional career at the bar of 30 years he has gained extensive experience in domestic and international litigation and arbitration on a variety of commercial matters.
Originally from Baker & McKenzie International Arbitration Yearbook 2010-2011
There have been no legislative changes in the arbitration law of Belgian since the overview provided in the 2007 Baker & McKenzie International Arbitration Yearbook.
B.1 Court Review of International Awards on Competition Law
Issues at the Enforcement Stage Pursuant to Article 1704.2(a) of the Judiciary Code, violation of public policy is ground to set aside an arbitral award.