Are All Title VII Consent Decrees Created Equal? A Study of the Effects of Protected Class and Type of Plaintiff Representation on Consent Decree Outcomes - Dispute Resolution Journal - Vol. 69, No. 1
Leighann George graduated with Honors from the Cornell University ILR School in May 2013 with a B.S. in Industrial and Labor Relations and with minors in Law and Society and International Relations. She currently works at Kaye Scholer LLP as a Litigation Project Assistant and will apply to law school in the fall of 2014.
Leighann would like to thank Esta Bigler for teaching her about this area of law in the summer of 2010. Leighann would like to thank Professor Alex Colvin as well as Esta Bigler for advising her academically when she was an undergraduate as she wrote her thesis, which is the basis for this article. Leighann would also like to thank Professor David Bruce Lipsky for his valuable assistance in helping her transform her research into this article.